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Friday, April 2, 2010

Back in the city

This is the first time in 7 months that I have been back in a real city...its strange, and the first sight of highrise buildings and smog through the hostel window this morning, really threw me off. At that moment I realised just what it is that I have been doing, and it blows my mind. I want to get out of the city. I've only been here for a few hours, but it offers me no allure. Nonetheless, I must remain here for a few days and complete this journey that has been Central America. Only then will I be able to move on to the new adventures and experiences that await me on the Southern Continent.
I have learned many lessons over the past seven months...things that will change my life forever.
First and foremost, I have learned the value of a true friend. I have learned that they are hard to come by, but appear when you least expect it. I have learned through a lack of seeing them, just how much I miss my true friends at home, as well as the select few that I have met along the way. These people are life changers, offering up lessons that cannot be learned in any other way, other than through them or by them. The best thing about travelling is the new friends....its also the worst, because they are the people that make an impact in your life, then disappear with only hope that you will encouter each other at some other point in life.


Me said...

I love and miss you , safe journay's my little bella xoxox

Anonymous said...

Hope your doing good! Miss you! xoxo Candace

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